
Elixir of youth

發佈時間: 2014/08/28


Elixir解「長生不老藥」,可使人青春長駐、能治百病、延年益壽的神奇液體,所以叫elixir of youth(青春靈藥)、elixir of life(長生不老藥)。有些人甚至追求永生不滅,因此亦有elixir of immortality(不死仙丹)。市面上有不少保健產品,聲稱可以延年益壽、永保青春,可以說Many health products claim themselves to be the elixir of life and youth。

Elixir還可以引伸指「解決問題的靈丹妙藥」,例句:Increasing the tax rates is no elixir for the government's deficit。(提高稅率不是解決政府赤字的靈丹妙藥。);Chocolate is the elixir for getting Elizabeth to do her homework。(朱古力是使伊麗莎白做功課的靈丹妙藥。)

撰文: Ally 最漂亮英文專業老師
欄名: WordDiscovery